New Advice on Vitamin D Supplements for Over 65s

New government advice has been issued recommending daily vitamin D supplementation for people aged 65 years and older.

Vitamin D advice over 65 year olds


The Department of Health have issued new advice recommending daily vitamin D supplements for people aged 65 years and older. They have also provided an advice leaflet, which can be downloaded below.


Vitamin D for Over 65s

In a recent article, we discussed what is Vitamin D, it’s benefits, the sources and who is at risk of deficiency. It is vital for good health.

Vitamin D nutrients are important for healthy bones, teeth, muscles and a properly functioning immune system. Older people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. For people aged 65 years and older, it is vital to get sufficient vitamin D every day for bone and muscle health.


Vitamin D Supplement Advice

Supplements should be used to complement the intake of vitamin D from sources such as food and sunshine.

The Department of Health have issued advice recommending daily vitamin D supplementation all year round for people aged 65 years and older. They recommend taking a supplement all year round that contains the recommended daily amount of vitamin D of 15 microgram (15μg).

Beeline Healthcare have a choice of suitable vitamin D supplements.

Source: The Department of Health 

Download Government Advice Leaflet

Read the key vitamin D advice from The Department of Health for people aged 65 and older.

Beeline Vitamin D Supplements

Beeline offer a range of Vitamin D supplements for people aged 65 years and older. The range covers tablets, oral spray and effervescent tablets.

These products include: